Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here's a handful of random thoughts for you....(yes, it's been that kind of day):

*My sister had yet another alternative explanation for my last blog about how much stuff can accumulate in a room without anyone putting it there. It's the Stuff Fairy. She shows up and randomly adds Stuff to what ever pile or room you least want it in. She is particularly good at adding junk mail to piles, adding random odd socks to the laundry and hangers in the most inconvenient places.

*Why are chairs so expensive in Hawaii?? Yes, everything is fairly expensive compared to the mainland. But even something like a rattan chair, which is made in that part of the world, is more expensive there than the mainland even though it has to be shipped farther to get to the mainland. Apparently you can order a chair on and have it shipped to Hawaii for about the same price you spend to just buy it there - and the shipping is free.

*What point does a rabbit's tail serve? I know, theoretically it's helps with balance. But look at the size of the tail versus the size of the rest of the rabbit. How much help with balance can it really serve? Maybe it's like a whitetail deer where it serves as a danger flag for other rabbits. Cottontail rabbits may be able to use this as an excuse, but domestic rabbits sure can't.

*How much money gets spent on gift labels, return address labels, stickers, and even nickels stuck to any/all of the aforementioned items all in the hopes that you will give what ever charitable organization a donation. Now, please, don't misunderstand me, these are all very worthwhile organizations. It just amazes me, though, how much money at least appears to be sent all in the hopes of getting you, the recipient, to donate some money. THEN, when you do donate money to one of these organizations, you get like ten times the number of return address labels, stickers, gift labels etc sent to you. If a person gave money to every place that sent them stuff like this, I think you'd go broke! Wouldn't many of these organizations have more money to put toward their cause if they just sent a letter rather than trying to give all of these "gifts" in the hopes that you will send money?

*What incentive to people have in living in places like Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin - basically the entire Midwestern US in the winter time? It was 41 degrees below below Fahrenheit in International Falls, MN not too long ago. Temps in the 20's below zero Fahrenheit were pretty common throughout most of the Dakotas and mid-Minnesota area around the same time it was so cold in International Falls. Yet, come summer it'll be easily mid to upper 90 degrees Fahrenheit above zero. No wonder most people from the Midwestern states tend to be a little odd about weather.

*I was watching a show on the History Channel about King Henry VIII the other night. The whole show was about how his health, or lack there of at times, affected his ability to rule. Toward the end of the show, one of the hosts went to a supermarket in England to illustrate how much King Henry was eating not long before his death (the guy was like, literally, 400 pounds or so at his death). What this one man ate in a week filled 2 shopping carts and then some. That amount of food would cost someone living in England amost 500 pounds (as in money this time). The host said the average British family could eat for a week on about 200 pounds (again, as in money). Why on earth would someone need that much to eat? I know Henry was the king and all, but holy cow! That's getting excessive. The sad part is that no one would say anything and, if someone would have, the hosts speculated that it may have helped prolong King Henry's life at least a little.

Again, I want to emphasize that I am in no way, shape or form making any kind of disparaging remarks against anyone or anything in this blog. It is simply a random collection of thoughts and questions that have crossed my mind in the last day or so. Maybe there are some really good explanations for these thoughts and questions. Maybe not. Who knows. I sure don't. Oh well, enjoy it anyways!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Here's a question for you - where does all of this stuff come from? I mean, really, does it just multiply in the dark? Here's an example of what I'm talking about. I've been working on cleaning my office/craft room. I cannot believe how much stuff is in that room! I don't remember putting it all there. I don't think my husband did. I know the rabbits didn't (if they did there would be a lot more evidence of them being out of their cages, if you know what I mean). So where did it all come from?

My latest theory is that some kind of cross-breeding with hangers and odd socks has occurred. You leave them alone in the dark for any length of time and they multiply. The only other theory I have is that the stuff multiplies along the lines of Gremlins. Expose it to water and instantly you get more stuff.

Well, I suppose I'd better quit writing about it and go do something about all of the stuff in that room. Who knows, maybe I'll find buried treasure in there somewhere!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here's an interesting observation for you. First, understand that I work 2 jobs. One of them is at an adolescent chemical health treatment facility. Furthermore, we teach the AA 12 steps there. Now, the other day I was having a discussion with one of the kids about AA Steps 2 and 3. We talked about how Step 2 is about asking for help and how Step 3, in part, is about accepting the help we've asked for. This kid was struggling with the idea that someone could ask for help without being willing to accept it. This kid was thinking that it was not possible to have one without the other. So we talked about how this actually is possible for someone to do just that.

Here's where my interesting observation comes in. This conversation has been in the back of my mind as it had just recently occurred. Then, I had an incident where a parent of a kid essentially called me worthless, incompetent unprofessional and immature (and that's putting it rather mildly considering the words that were used and yes, I responded to this parent very maturely and professionally). After ending the conversation and taking a while to calm down, I started thinking about the incident and realized this was a perfect example of how someone can ask for help without actually accepting it. This got me thinking and led to the observation of how frequently I have seen this. And it hasn't been just at the treatment center. I have seen it at my other job as well.

Now I could go on about how sad, unfair, and possibly even ridiculous this is. But then I think, what would the point of that be? Will it change anything? Will it even make me feel better or will it keep me stuck focusing on something I can't do much about? Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that this is something I have to learn to accept because too many people do this kind of thing. The best I can do is continue to try to teach the kids I work with that when they ask for help they also need to be open to accepting it, even when they may not really like it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

So now that I'm actually blogging....where do I start. At the beginning, duh! Well, the beginning is the title. What IS with the title, you ask? Pretty simple really. The title comes from a book I love, one of many as the overflowing bookshelves around my house can testify to. Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide, to me at least, is one of those books that is pretty funny. In it, the Hitchhiker's guide is filled with a rather diverse and interesting assortment of information. Most of that information is pretty pointless. Which brings me to this blog.

The main point of this blog is because I miss writing. I have discovered I don't write enough anymore. I figure if I have to try to keep up a blog, it will force me to sit down and write more often. Seeing as this is a rather broad point to a blog, here comes your disclaimer. This blog is pretty unfocused. It, much like the Hitchhiker's Guide, will have a rather diverse and interesting assortment of information. Hopefully some of it will be at least mildly entertaining. If not, I guess there's one thing on my list of stuff to do that I won't have to worry about anymore.

There. You were forewarned. Follow this blog if you dare. I don't know where it will go but I will be along for the ride and it should be interesting to say the least.